Friday, October 18, 2024


Role of entertainment in life!

January 29, 2021 0


Today life is full of stress and anxiety and especially in metropolitan cities situation is the worst. Everyone is busy with his life, no time for family and himself even. Every person is running behind his hectic schedule. Life become so fast but still no time to relax for 5 minute and release the stress. No need to explain, you can easily analyze when you are in hurry to reach the office thinking of some of your personal tensions and then the whole day hectic schedule. Entertainment can add salt in this discomfort and distasteful life. It is the way of entertainment which keeps the life going. Else life becomes very dull and boring. Entertainment gives the life its charm and energy. If entertainment is removed from life then there will be a blank left behind. To fill this blank we need moments of entertainment in life. And some of these special moments become memories of future.

Entertainment can be of any type depending on one’s choice and likes. There are so many electronic gadgets available to give entertaining moments to minds like the most common is T.V. and music systems. A tired person after coming back from office, if got a 15 minute time to watch its favorite show then that time is enough to relax his tiring mind. This small time period of entertainment can give a smile and a soothing effect to his mind.

Music is a great way to relive the day to day stress and is also used for therapeutic purposes. Almost every person is interested in any kind of music. Even researches have proved that music’s ubiquity and portability has made it the number one stress buster. It is a matter of fact that everyone on this earth has an inclination towards listening good quality music. The passion for music differs as per genre whereby youngsters mostly love fast and groovy numbers. People of the older times love classical music whereas kids like rhymes and children music. Not only this, many are attracted to listen natural sounds such as chirping of birds, water falling from the mountains and religious chants.

When a person sits down with his eyes closed to listen his favorite music, the heart beat goes balanced and mind got relaxed. Music tunes the soul and renews the body.

Playing music also relaxes the mind and slows down the tension. Interested people find pleasure in playing his favorite instrument. A piano or a guitar strings can give immense pleasure to a stressed mind.

Other than music, reading is one of the good sources of entertainment. People who love reading can go for good source of stuff to read. It can help relieve stress and definitely reenergize the mind. Reading is a very good habit. It not only helps to gain knowledge but creates good vocabulary and helps to have a better look of the outside world.

Going out for picnic, chatting with family members or friends, dancing, singing etc. can give pleasure to a tired and sick mind. These simple ways lift up the mood and can buzz the day and put the life at an ease.

In short, any sort of entertainment should be there in life to remove the boredom of life and to make the life dynamic and exciting always.

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Shane Doe

Thank you for reading my blog! My name Shane Doe (1995). I write about three important topics of my life: Travel, Foods and Travel activities. Travel is my hobby and this is my profession too. I working with major brands which pay me for travelling.

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